Earth Construction

Earth House, Thailand

Our project embraced eco-friendly adobe construction, utilising on-site clayey soil, and adopted a roof-first approach to shield the build from monsoon impacts. Clay loam, known for its breathability and humidity regulation, ensures a healthy living environment. Contrary to common beliefs about durability, a well-maintained earth construction can surpass the lifespan of concrete structures, potentially lasting 100 to 200 years with adequate roofing, compared to the 15 to 20-year lifespan of typical concrete buildings in India.

Earth Construction


This project highlights our commitment to sustainable building practices through the use of eco adobe construction, leveraging the naturally occurring clayey soil found on-site. To mitigate the challenges posed by the monsoon season, we implemented a roof-first strategy, allowing for the safe construction of walls and civil interiors beneath its protection. The choice of clay loam as a primary building material is pivotal, offering excellent properties for creating a living environment that naturally breathes and adjusts internal humidity, promoting health and comfort.

A common query regarding earth structures concerns their durability; however, it’s noteworthy that with proper maintenance, especially in ensuring a robust roofing system, an earth-built edifice can significantly outlive conventional concrete constructions. While the latter might see a lifespan of merely 15 to 20 years within the Indian context, a meticulously cared-for adobe construction can stand for centuries, making it not only an eco-conscious choice but a testament to enduring architecture.